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A Bequest to Ensure Access for Future...

A Bequest to Ensure Access for Future...

For Mary Jane Ruhl, access to information is essential. Her professional career was built on satisfying the need for scientific and technical information. And in her personal life, access to information is no less important.

Mary Jane became a long-time supporter of public broadcasting and WETA largely because of that priority.

"I cannot imagine a world without public broadcasting," she says.

For her, WETA's news coverage illuminates political and social issues and performs an incomparable public service. She regularly watches a bloc of programs on WETA-PBSNewsHour, Washington Week With Gwen Ifill, and Inside Washington. Mary Jane relies on the in-depth reporting and analysis those broadcasts provide and feels truly informed by them. She also praises WETA's efforts to reach non-English speaking audiences through translation and secondary audio.

Mary Jane currently works as a biochemist at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Over the years, she has been involved with a number of governmental and private organizations. She owned and operated a small business focused on the design and development of science and technology information centers. Much of her work was abroad with governments of developing countries, including Thailand, Egypt, the Philippines and Jamaica.

Arts and culture also play a big part in Mary Jane's life, and she depends on WETA FM and television for music and entertainment. From Mozart to Masterpiece, WETA brings joy to Mary Jane every day, which is why she named WETA as a beneficiary in her Will. Mary Jane's commitment to public broadcasting and her legacy gift will help ensure that WETA's stations can continue to provide the essential access that she so values.

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